Energy efficient evaporative cooler brand in Australia

In the ever-evolving world of home comfort, staying up-to-date with the latest technologies is essential. One area that often gets overlooked is the humble, cost-effective evaporative cooler.

Most of the popular brands in Australia are always trying to improve by making their systems more green. Here are some of the energy-efficient evaporative cooler brands you can consider in Australia.

  • Brivis

  • Bonaire

  • Coolbreeze

  • Breezair

  • Seeley

  • Breamare

  • Kaden

  • Actrol

  • Coldflow

  • Rinnai

Note that there are multiple factors that need to be considered to find the power-efficient evaporative cooler for your home, call our customer service today and enquire about your specific needs.

It uses water technology for cooling which is very economical to run. Recently we replaced a 20+ year old system of one of our customers with a modern highly efficient system. Read the full story here.

If you're considering an upgrade to your home's cooling system, look no further than Unitests for a seamless and sophisticated solution that ticks all the boxes.

Understanding evaporative cooler energy efficiency

Key factors that contribute to evaporative cooler energy efficiency include the unit's size, airflow rate, and the quality of the cooling pads. 

If you make sure to get it installed properly by experts, as well as have regular maintenance, you are sure to have a long lasting system that is very efficient. 

The importance of maintenance is very high throughout the life of your system. If regular servicing and cleaning of the unit is not done, its length of like will likely decrease. Servicing an evaporative cooler involves:

  • Fully trained technician reviews accessibility and current operation of the unit

  • Disassemble Entire Unit and establish worksite

  • Solenoid Valve is checked to ensure it is operating correctly.

  • Water Line and Drainpipe are checked and tested for drips and leaks.

  • Louvres and Filter Pads are removed from the unit and thoroughly cleaned to remove all the dirt build up, dust, insects, spider webs, all other debris.

  • Review pads for wear and replacement

  • Clean Fan blades and housing

  • Check weather Seal operational

  • Drain Valve is checked to see if it is opening and closing correctly, and no leaks visible around the O-ring seal.

  • Float Valve is checked to see if it has free movement, so the water supply shuts off when it reaches the required water level. This is dependent on the type of system.

  • Check and clean pump for grit and blockages and remove

  • Unblock and clean water distribution system for efficient cooling

How do evaporative coolers work?

The system works on a simple principle of evaporation to cool outdoor air and circulate it indoors.

The cooling process begins when warm outdoor air is drawn into the unit and passes through water-saturated cooling pads.

As the air passes through the pad, water evaporates and it absorbs the heat and it results in cool air.

Factors impacting energy efficiency of an evaporative cooling system

  • Climate condition: Evaporative coolers are most effective in dry, arid climates where humidity levels are low. Higher humidity can negatively impact the system resulting in more power usage.

  • Unit size & capacity: Choosing the right size for evaporative cooling is very important, smaller units may struggle to cool larger areas resulting in higher power usage.

  • Airflow rate: Proper airflow is important for optimising the cooling efficiency of an evaporative cooling system. Regular cleaning and maintenance is key to boosting efficiency and reducing the power bill.

Call us today to chat more about the right fit for you. 1300 846 688 


Evaporative cooling maintenance tips to improve life & benefits


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