Gas Wall Fire Replacement Melbourne [Job Done, Book Now]

Recently, our team at Unitests successfully completed the replacement of a very old gas wall fire heater, which had been in service for over 40 years.

This project not only highlighted our expertise in handling aging heating systems but also underscored the importance of upgrading to modern, more efficient technologies.

Assessment & quote

Our licensed plumber carefully assessed the old unit to check if it could be serviced.

Given its age, the unit was not only inefficient but also posed potential safety hazards. Post assessment it was recommended that the client should consider it to be replaced instead of servicing.

Then the replacement quote was shared and approved by the client.

Removal of old unit and new installation

On the installation day, our technicians removed the old unit. This step was handled with utmost care to avoid any damage to the surrounding areas and to ensure a smooth transition to the new system.

Installation of the New Gas Wall Fire

The installation of the new gas wall fire was carried out efficiently and professionally. The new unit, equipped with modern technologies, offers significantly improved efficiency and safety features compared to the old model.

Our team ensured that all connections were secure, and the unit was tested thoroughly to verify optimal operation. The new fire not only enhances the comfort of the home but also provides peace of mind with its advanced safety features and reliability.

See the photos below from start to finish.

Book Gas Wall Fire Replacement in Melbourne

Are you experiencing issues with your old gas wall fire or simply looking to upgrade to a more efficient system? At Unitests, we specialise in the replacement of outdated gas wall fire with state-of-the-art units. Our team of licensed plumbers is experienced in handling all aspects of the replacement process, ensuring a seamless transition and minimal disruption to your daily routine.

Why Choose Unitests?

When it comes to heating solutions in Melbourne, Unitests stands out for several reasons:

  • Expertise and Experience: With decades of experience in the industry, our team has the knowledge and skills to handle any gas wall fire replacement project. We understand the technicalities involved and ensure that every job is completed to the highest standards.

  • Licensed Professionals: Our technicians are fully licensed and trained to carry out gas wall fire replacements safely and efficiently. You can trust that your home is in good hands with our certified professionals.

  • Quality Customer Service: At Unitests, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and provide tailored solutions that meet their requirements. Our team is always available to answer any questions and provide support throughout the process.

  • High-Quality Products: We only use high-quality, reliable products for our replacements. The new gas wall fires we install are from reputable manufacturers and come with the latest technologies to ensure efficiency, safety, and durability.

  • Comprehensive Services: In addition to gas wall fire replacements, we offer a wide range of heating and cooling services. Whether you need maintenance, repairs, or installation of other HVAC systems, Unitests is your one-stop solution.

  • Transparent Pricing: We believe in transparency and honesty. Our pricing is competitive, and we provide detailed quotes with no hidden fees. You can be confident that you are getting the best value for your investment.


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